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  • #74077

      Estou tendo problemas para as chamadas dos relat?rios via browser.
      Usando a built-in web.show_document, n?o tive problemas e o relat?rio rodou normalmente inclusive usando o alias repSRV para o Reports Server. No entanto, usando RUN_REPORT_OBJECT e configurando para este mesmo servidor (repSRV) ocorre o erro FRM-41213.
      A entrada no tnsnames.ora para este servidor est? correta, n?o estou usando n?meros nem underscore no nome do servidor, j? baixei e reiniciei o Reports Server e o erro continua a aparecer.
      Nos testes que estou fazendo, uso o mesmo forms para chamar o mesmo relat?rio passando o mesmo par?metro e chamando das duas formas poss?veis, usando as mesmas configura??es para o mesmo Reports Server (repSRV).
      Al?m das tentativas acima, h? mais algum teste ou vari?vel que eu tenha que configurar?

      Quem souber de alguma “coisa” que possa me ajudar…

      Avatar de DanielBDanielB

        de metalink


        A Form-Reports application is run in a Developer Suite environment.
        The OC4J instance of DS has been started and the Forms application is running successfully.
        No reports requests have been run prior to call a report from the forms application
        A report is called from a form by RUN_REPORT_OBJECT using the default in-process Reports Server.
        It fails with
        FRM-41213 Unable to connect to the report server
        and returns a job id 0 (zero).

        The in-process Reports Server is part of the rwservlet. It is starting up if the
        rwservlet is initialized for the first time. This is done when the first URL (rwservlet) request
        comes in.
        This initialization is not done if a Reports request is submitted with RUN_REPORT_OBJECT as<br />
        it communicates via CORBA directly with the Reports Server and is not touching the rwservlet.
        Starting the OC4J instance in the DS environment is not automatically initializing the rwservlet
        to avoid overhead for all the other DS products (Forms, Discoverer, JDeveloper) that do not need
        Oracle Reports.

        NOTE: This behaviour can only be observed for the OC4J Instance of the Developer Suite and will effect only
        the time of the development. In the deployment environment of the Oracle Application Server the in-process
        Reports Server is prestarted and available for RUN_REPORT_OBJECT calls from the first request.

        1. Run any reports URL like
        after startup of the DS OC4J instance to initialize the in-process Reports Server.

        1. Add temporarily a WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT call with above URL to the Forms code before the RUN_REPORT_OBJECT.
          After deployment to production this part can be removed.

        2. After startup of the OC4J instance start a stand alone Reports Server
          rwserver server= batch=yes (Windows)
          rwserver.sh server= batch=yes (Unix)
          to serve the Reports requests. No initialisation by rwservlet is required for the stand alone Reports Server.

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